Welcome to

The School of Creative Arts








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Welcome to
The School of Creative Arts


The School of Creative Arts offers forward thinking holistic approaches to arts, music performance and education, for whole-self development as part of everything we do, and each faculty is informed by an international level of contemporary best practice and expertise in each of their respective fields. 
Our courses, workshops and masterclasses draw equally on becoming our most imaginative/intuitive/spiritual self as a living working reality, as much as on the structural elements of our art such as the disciplines of technique, practice and performance.
We learn and practice the most contemporary creative approaches to leadership in our art form, and we also learn and practice the most ancient and timeless approaches which make our art a more insightful and meditative process for ourselves and our audiences.
In this way, our graduates bring to life their own unique way of conveying their greatest ideals and inspirational content in a powerful and engaging way of benevolence, which has always been the way of the great master musicians, artists and bards throughout time.
Because all our work is aligned to the maxim of “how can I make this art or music the most healing experience for everyone?”, we are able to include not only obvious beauty but also more challenging and seemingly disruptive elements, and still produce an outcome of cognitive-self invigoration, upliftment, clarity and more of a sense of having put some broken pieces back together on the inside in the process, in much the same way in which reading Shakespeare does - not only great beauty has place, but also disparate and disharmonious elements as they come into contact with the noblest ideals, and through the re-shaping which occurs, a stronger alloy of character and benevolent inclination toward humanity is produced in both the practitioner and the listener.




"A certain number of musicians were gathered at a feast given by a great sovereign who took care to place them according to their degree of mastery of their respective arts, when a man of wretched appearance, clad in rags, entered. The master of ceremonies raised him up above all the participants, whose faces expressed their evident disapproval. Wishing to display the man's merit and calm his guest's anger, the master asked him to let them hear a sample of his art. He took out some pieces of wood which he had with him, set them out before him and stretched strings over them. Then he set these strings vibrating and performed an air that made all those present burst into laughter because of the pleasure, the joy and the well-being that took possession of their souls. Then he changed his tuning and played another air which made everyone weep for the tenderness of the melody and the sadness which settled in their hearts. Then he changed the tuning, and played another air which plunged everyone into slumber; so doing he rose, went out and was never heard spoken of again.”

- The Brethren of Purity of Basra
from the book “Music, Mysticism and Magic” by Joscelyn Godwin





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